Buy theory test pass certificate 


Buy theory test pass certificate 

In all the excitement of passing your Driving Theory Test, you’ve lost your certificate. The first piece of advice is not to panic as you can retrieve the vital pass certificate number online!
After finally passing your Driving Theory Test and imagining how you’ll tackle the practical test, the last thing you want is to lose the pass certificate.
As you may know, in order to book your Practical Driving Test you will need your Theory Test certificate number. So if you can’t find this or have lost your certificate it could stop you in your tracks. But the good news is, you can now retrieve your Theory Test certificate number online! Panic over!
How do I find my Theory Test pass certificate number?
Firstly, Theory Test Pass Certificate Number’ page and input your details to find your all-important certificate number. Luckily, the digital age has made this a quick and pain-free process which will allow you to go ahead with your practical driving test booking – all drama free!
To find a lost Theory Test pass certificate number you’ll need to input:
Valid driving licence number (Great Britain or Northern Ireland)
First name
Last name
Find my lost Theory Test certificate here
NOTE:  You will need to get a replacement letter to take to your Practical Driving Test.
If you have any questions, it’s best to contact the us Theory Test Enquiries desk at
You might need to contact the Driver and Vehicle Standards (DVSA) if you’ve lost your theory test pass certificate number. Just contact us we shall get you Pass theory test certificate with no stress.

Buy theory test pass certificate 

What you need to do depends on whether you want the number to:
Your pass certificate number lasts for 2 years. You must pass your driving test in that time, otherwise you’ll have to pass the theory test again.
book your test
take to your test
If you’re booking your test
You usually do not need your theory test pass certificate number to book your driving test.
You will need to give your:
full name as it appears on your driving licence
UK driving licence number
date of birth
If you’re taking your test
You may need another way to prove that you’ve passed your theory test if you’ve lost your certificate. What you need to do depends on the type of test.
If you’re taking a car driving test
You do not need to get a replacement theory test certificate to take to your car driving test.
Your driving examiner will check that you’ve passed your theory test before your driving test starts.
If you’re taking any other type of driving test
Contact Us we shall sort it for you.
full name as it appears on your driving licence
driving licence number
date of birth
You’ll be sent a letter that you can take to your test instead of your pass certificate. theory test certificate for sale, UK theory test certificate
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